Converter.source.fbx namespace
Converter.source.fbx.FbxBuilder module
Build FBX files
- Converter.source.fbx.FbxBuilder.CreateFBX(width: float, height: float, depth: float, name: str, front: str = '', back: str = '', left: str = '', right: str = '', top: str = '', bottom: str = '', outputPath='C:\\Users\\trios\\Documents\\GitHub\\OGrEE-Tools-AR\\Converter\\output\\OGrEE\\fbx') str
Build an FBX file containing a box mesh with up to six textured faces
- Parameters:
width (float) – The width of the model (cm)
height (float) – The height of the model (cm)
depth (float) – The depth of the model (cm)
name (str) – the name given to the FBX file
front (str) – the path to the picture of the front face
back (str) – the path to the picture of the back face
left (str) – the path to the picture of the left face
right (str) – the path to the picture of the right face
top (str) – the path to the picture of the top face
bottom (str) – the path to the picture of the bottom face
- Returns:
return the path to the newly created FBX file
- Return type:
- Converter.source.fbx.FbxBuilder.CreateMaterial(manager: FbxManager, name: str, texturePath: str) FbxSurfacePhong
Create a SurfacePhong material from a picture
- Parameters:
manager (fbx.FbxManager) – the manager of the scene
name (str) – name of the material (can be empty)
texturePath (str) – path to the picture
- Returns:
a SurfacePhong material with correct emissive, diffuse, ambient and specular colors, transpacy factor, shininess and shading model
- Return type:
- Converter.source.fbx.FbxBuilder.CreateTexture(manager: FbxManager, texturePath: str) FbxFileTexture
Create a texture from a picture
- Parameters:
manager (fbx.FbxManager) – the manager of the scene
texturePath (str) – path to the picture
- Returns:
the texture with correct mapping, texture and UV
- Return type:
- Converter.source.fbx.FbxBuilder.addCube(manager: FbxManager, scene: FbxScene, cubeName: str, cubeScale: tuple[float, float, float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) FbxMesh
Add a cube to a scene
- Parameters:
manager (fbx.FbxManager) – the manager of the scene
scene (fbx.FbxScene) – the scene containing the cube
cubeName (str) – the name of the cubemesh
cubeScale (tuple[float, float, float], optional) – the dimensions of the cube, defaults to (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- Returns:
the mesh containing the cube
- Return type:
- Converter.source.fbx.FbxBuilder.makeCube(manager: FbxManager) FbxMesh
Make a simple cube
- Parameters:
manager (fbx.FbxManager) – Manager containing the cube
- Returns:
the cubemesh with correct control points, vertices and normals
- Return type: